As dedicated arboricultural specialists in the preservation and maintenance of trees, we recognise that our work can both improve and impact upon the environment. As part of our Integrated Management System, we maintain an environmental management system that meets ISO 14001:2015.

We are committed to:

  • Seeking to continually improve our environmental performance
  • Complying with environmental and legal requirements appropriate to our work
  • Preventing pollution from our activities where practicable.

We achieve this by:

  • Surveying our work sites for possible environmental impacts including nesting birds, bats and other species
  • Liaising with regulatory authorities where applicable
  • Ensuring our staff are thoroughly trained in best practices
  • Using debris removed from sites to produce fuel for renewable energy sources

Our Envrionmental Policy is available on request.

Our Accreditations

ISO 9001 Connick Tree Care