A few trees in the ‘wrong’ place can make, what should have been a perfect development site, somewhat less attractive.

In this case the planning process and application will need to be sympathetic to the trees on the site.

This is where our Arboricultural Consultancy services can help you.

Paul Roberts, our Senior Arboricultural Consultant understands exactly what Local Authority Planning Officers are looking for, as well as the needs of the Architect and Property Developer or homeowner.

So, whether you need:

  • An arboricultural appraisal or advice about the trees on a site
  • An arboricultural impact assessment to support your planning application or
  • A Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement to form part of the development permission

For expert advice on the right service for you please contact us or call us on 0800 975 4535

Our Accreditations

ISO 9001 Connick Tree Care