Soft landings for the children at YMCA

Published On: 05/08/2015

Over the years we’ve been able to support many community projects by donating wood chip.

The YMCA has been the latest recipients.  The children there are extremely happy to have a softer, safer base under the new swing in their play area.

Thank you – Connick Tree Care

We were thrilled to receive this lovely hand made thank you card from the children.  

They’ve drawn the sun shining on five happy faces, along with the woodchip underneath the swing.  

Inside the message read, “Dear Connick Tree Care.  Thank you for our bark for under our swing. From all the children at YMCA.”

Mike Connick says, “It’s wonderful to support a local community group with the wood chip we produce.  On average we ship 50 tonnes per month of wood chip to various Biomass renewable energy plants.”