• Published On: 28/01/2014

    Mike Connick has recently completed the annual Stihl Tour des Trees, a 500 mile cycle ride from Niagara Falls around Lake Ontario finishing in Toronto. Since 1992 the Tour des Trees has raised more than £4 million for scientific research and education programs related to arboriculture and urban forestry. The Tour also funds various educational programmes [...]

  • Published On: 27/01/2014

    urrey County Council was successful in their bid to host the 2012 Olympic cycle road race during the 2012 London Games, a thrilling event that will live in the memories of all the spectators for years to come. The beautiful 156-mile route takes in some of the most beautiful tree-lined roads in Surrey and so, [...]

  • Published On: 31/12/2012

    TREES MAKE YOU HAPPY, April 2012 Forestry Commission's Tenant Poll Identifies Link Between Trees and Happiness. Living next to trees makes people happier, according to a study published this month as part of the Forestry Commission's research report Trees, People & the Built Environment. Connick Tree Care a Finalist in the 2012 Gatwick Diamond Business [...]

  • Published On: 31/12/2011

    Help Stop the Leaf Miner Damaging Horse Chestnut Trees The larvae of a moth called Cameraria is causing leaf tissue damage to Horse Chestnut Trees. Although the trees appear to recover in the spring, they are weakened by annual infections. The moth pupates in leaf litter over winter, so sweeping all leaves and disposing of [...]

  • Published On: 14/08/2011

    If you haven't yet liked our Facebook page then please login to keep abreast of all tree related news and more. Please like and share our page with your friends - it's the best way to keep up with what's going on at Connick Tree Care and in the world of arboriculture in general. If you have [...]